Artist - Russian impressionism museum
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Vladimir Rogozin

14.03.1952 - ...

An industrial engineer with a Candidate of Sciences degree, Vladimir Rogozin started painting at a mature age, even though for many years he had had an interest in art while he was in charge of a textile factory in Ivanovo. Rogozin started collecting in the 1980s, and his passion for that slowly, almost stealthily led him to painting. The artist’s first solo exhibition took place in 2007 at the Isaak Brodsky Museum in Saint Petersburg. “His paintings attract by the ingenuousness of their vision. He works hard and knows that professionalism comes with experience,” the artist Tatiana Lazarenko has said. For ten years now, Vladimir Rogozin has been on a quest to find both himself, and his own style. The critic Mikhail German has said about the painter: “The artist’s most difficult search is not for success, but to find himself. There are never any easy ways for serious art. Finding oneself in the cold winds of freedom is the hard fate of the artist, even harder than the struggle for independence and recognition. Vladimir Rogozin has the rare gift of painting with a sculptural precision and delicacy of colour, that holds the viewer in the well-defined space of good taste. And, of course, there’s his never-ceasing desire to find his own, his very particular way”.
