Yalta. Second half of the 1910s - Russian impressionism museum
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Yalta. Second half of the 1910s

Konstantin Korovin

Холст, масло

Among the new works the Museum of Russian Impressionism is the painting “Street in Yalta.” This work was held in the collection of the outstanding opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin in his Paris apartment.

Landscape to Korovin was not exactly a “portrait” or a sketch of a particular area. Konstantin Korovin loved to repeat, that in landscape “there should be a story of the soul. The painting should be have sound, respond to the heart’s feelings. It’s hard to put into words, it is like music.” In landscape compositions, the artist doesn’t just capture life, but creates it in the holistic image of his many works. “I firmly declare,” said the artist, “that I paint not for myself, but for everyone who knows how to enjoy the sun, and the unending world of color and form, and who never stops marvelling at the ever-changing play of light and shadow."
