Winter sun. 2010 - Russian impressionism museum
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Winter sun. 2010, 2010 - 2010

Vladimir Rogozin

Oil on canvas

The art critic Mikhail German has called the work of Vladimir Rogozin “isles of eternity.” What he sees in these paintings, just like this “Winter Sun”, is simplicity, or, in the words of the poet Boris Pasternak, an “incredible simplicity.” “At first glance (but at first glance only), the work of Vladimir Rogozin holds no mystery. His subjects are eternal, landscapes most of all – it is our ordinary world in its recognizable, everyday form. And yet, there is a kind of extravagance to it,” German wrote. An avid collector and art patron, Vladimir Rogozin had been fascinated by painting from his early youth onwards, and finally tried it for himself. Тhe absence of fundamental training might have been an obstacle for him at times, but it also gave the painter freedom and courage. His works display temerity and humility, a sense of classical tradition, respect for nature, and experiment. “His art draws one in, quite powerfully and strongly.” Mikhail German is convinced that, “this is only the beginning - he will be written, talked, and thought about much in the future.”
