The artist Alexander Pervukhin was not intimidated by the large size format. How could he be, when he was in charge of design for the large All-Union exhibitions, as well as for the decoration of the streets of Moscow on festival occasions. His love for space is evident in this painting, where the simplicity and brevity of the composition stands out. The artist created conventional representations of form, using bright, lush, flamboyant colours. Note Pervukhin's favourite technique, where he delineates forms with irregular lines of different colours – we may wonder what is behind this – the answer is surely his passion for monumental painting and Impressionist, expressive means of painting. Pervukhin was a true poet of his native town. He deliberately visually reduced the figures in the foreground to silhouettes, encouraging viewers to admire the deep perspective of the architecture in the big city, and to observe the interplay of light and shadows on the walls of the many-storied buildings, and feel the romance of the 1950s. Alexander Pervukhin's lyrical interpretation of the city landscape recalls in some ways the paintings of Yuri Pimenov, despite the difference of their artistic styles.