Sergey Radyuk is convinced that an artist should always keep a child’s perception of the world - which means never losing the ability to be surprised, to rejoice, to imagine, and to fantasize, and also to be able to fill life with bright colours and positive emotions. Landscape is Radyuk’s preferred genre, and, in his own words, that form was his introduction to painting. He has never abandoned it, even in his genre painting, because the human being is an integral part of an environment, of any landscape. But the painting “Bathers” is somehow more than a landscape – rather, it seems like a beautiful dream, an iridescent mist. We are seeing a world out of time, sublime, inspired and harmonious. The lively young bathers, barely outlined, remind us of fairy nymphs. The impressionist play of light and colour in the tree branches and tops and in the flowing water and the long vibrant shadows, is the artist’s way of rendering the subtle and almost unearthly beauty of the surrounding nature. If we look closely at the lower left hand corner of the painting, we see a little canvas on a stretcher. This is an inner double, a painting within a painting, a riddle which leaves us to find an answer.