In 1981 Vyacheslav Fyodorov started to be troubled by an old war wound and he could no longer work as before. Travelling, and his Baikal and Ukrainian periods were behind him, and he worked at the Academy’s summer residence, where artists gathered from around the country. The painting "Flooding at Talitsy" was done when, despite the pain he was in, and with real fortitude, the artist was still working en plein air. Only now Fyodorov would take just a small primed piece of cardboard on which to paint. He would set up his easel and take out his paints; the water rippled, catching a slight breeze. His goal was to catch the moment and the tonal echoes of the saturated colours, and to transfer them to his painting. Fyodorov’s main theme was the inextricable link between nature and humanity. While he is considered one of the best landscape painters of 20th century Russia, his name is still waiting for the wider popularity that it deserves.